Donations are tax deductible.
For donations up to 200 euros, a simple proof (e.g. bank statement) is accepted by the tax office. For donations over 200 euros please use the donation form or enterEnter your address on the transfer slip in the reference field. We will be happy to send you a donation receipt.
donation account
IBAN: DE85 7905 0000 0360 1044_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_18
Sparkasse Mainfranken Würzburg
The association is certified by the Würzburg tax office
non-profit recognized.
You can also donate to OFARIN through the aid organization Better Place. The donor (not OFARIN) pays fees to Better Place for this. The donor is free to change these fees. Better Place provides considerable services for OFARIN and issues donation receipts, for example. Better Place will not share your email address with OFARIN. If you would like further information (e.g. monthly newsletters) from us, please let OFARIN know your e-mail address!
Perhaps you would like to support Ofarin regularly with a donation or even become a supporting member of Ofarin. You can do this here: