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STATUTE OF THE ASSOCIATION (translated with google translator)


"Organization for the Promotion of Afghan Regional Initiatives and Neighborhood Aid (OFARIN)"



§ 1 Purpose of the association


(1) The purpose of the association are activities that improve the socio-economic, health and cultural living conditions of the population in Afghanistan. This should mainly be done through

- Promotion, organization and implementation of basic education programs for children and adults;

- Promotion of self-help initiatives by the population;

- Promotion, organization and implementation of training programs for medical and social services, for manual trades and for teaching professions.

(2) The association pursues exclusively and directly charitable purposes within the meaning of the section "tax-privileged purposes" of the tax code.

(3) The association is selflessly active; it does not pursue any commercial purposes.



§ 2 Name and seat of the association


(1) The association takes the name “Organization for the Promotion of Afghan Regional Initiatives and Neighborhood Aid (OFARIN)”.

(2) The seat of the association is Würzburg.

(3) The association should exist as a registered association; with the entry in the register of associations he attains the legal capacity (§21 BGB).



§ 3 Acquisition and Loss of Membership


(1) Natural and legal persons can become members; they must agree with the goals of the association and be ready to promote them. An application to join is to be sent to the board. Sustaining members are members without voting rights.

(2) The acquisition of membership requires the consent of a 2/3 majority of the members.

(3) The resignation from the association can be declared at any time with immediate effect. The declaration of resignation must be addressed to the board of directors and must be made in writing.



§ 4 Contributions and funds of the association, financial year, election of the auditor


(1) The association charges a membership fee. The amount is determined by the general assembly with a 2/3 majority. The board of directors can waive the membership fee under special circumstances.

(2) Funds of the association may only be used for statutory purposes. The members do not receive payments from the association. No person may be favored by expenses that are alien to the purpose of the association or by disproportionately high remuneration. Members entrusted with an honorary position are only entitled to reimbursement of expenses actually incurred.

(3) The business year corresponds to the calendar year.

(4) Two auditors are elected by the general assembly with a 2/3 majority of the members present. The cash auditors may not be members of the board. The check is limited to the mathematical correctness of the cash transactions of the association and has to be done at least once every year.



§ 5 Board of Directors of the Association


(1) The board consists of the 1st chairman, his deputy and the treasurer.

(2) The board within the meaning of Section 26 of the German Civil Code (BGB) is the 1st chairman and the treasurer or the deputy chairman and the treasurer.

(3) Every change in the board of directors must be entered directly in the register of associations in accordance with §67 BGB.

(4) The board works on a voluntary basis.



§ 6 Appointment, dismissal and discharge of the board


(1) The board is elected by the general meeting with a 2/3 majority of the members present. The term of office of the board is 2 years, re-election is possible.

(2) Early dismissal is only permitted for serious reasons and also requires a 2/3 majority of the members.

(3) The board of directors is discharged by the general meeting with a simple majority of those present.



§ 7 coordinator


(1) A coordinator can be assigned to carry out the tasks of the association on site. The coordinator is appointed and dismissed by the board.

(2) The coordinator can be authorized by the board to carry out the actions required to carry out the association's tasks with effect for the association. Legal acts that affect the promotion of the association's tasks outside of the programs approved by the board require the consent of the board if their scope exceeds an amount set in advance by the board.

§ 8 Advisory Board


The association will appoint an advisory board.



§ 9 General Assembly


(1) The general assembly meets at least once a year; it is convened in writing by the chairman or his deputy stating the agenda and giving ten days' notice. At the request of a third of the members, the general meeting is to be called.

(2) §32 II BGB also applies to the resolutions of the general assembly.

(3) Written minutes must be drawn up of the general meeting, which also contains the resolutions passed. The minutes must be signed by a board member. Notarization of the resolutions is not required.



§ 10 Amendment of the Articles of Association


(1) To change the statutes, a 3/4 majority of the members present at the general meeting is required, whereby at least 5 members have to be present.

(2) A decision on an amendment to the statutes can only be made if the subject of the amendment to the statutes has been communicated in the invitation to the general meeting.

(3) Every amendment to the articles of association must be submitted to the competent registry court for entry; the tax office must be notified by sending the amended articles of association.



§ 11 Dissolution of the Association


(1) A 2/3 majority of the members is required to dissolve the association.

(2) If the association is dissolved or if its previous purpose ceases to exist, the association's assets go to the "Bischöfliche Hilfswerk Misereor eV", Aachen, which has to use them exclusively and directly for charitable purposes within the meaning of Section 1 of these statutes.

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